
  • in the end (결국), pull an all-nighter (밤샘) 뜻과 사용
    Native expression 2019. 11. 24. 07:00


    오늘 배울 표현들은 in the end (결국), pull an all-nighter (밤샘입니다.


    In the end (결국엔)부터 설명하자면



    In the end  :


    결국, 끝에

    ) eventually or on reflection.



    메뉴 정하기 해보셨나요? 밥을 할까? 밖에서 사올까? 치킨을 먹을까? 피자를 먹을까?

    많은 고민을 하다가 생각은 돌고 돌아 결국엔 치킨인 것처럼 결국엔 하나의 결과물이

    주로 쓰이는 표현입니다.


    We have following 3 options.

    Option 1) 1+4 Option 2) 2+3 Option 3) 0+5

    but in the end, they all add up to 5.”

    : 우리에겐 아래의 3가지의 옵션이 있습니다

    Option 1) 1+4 Option 2) 2+3 Option 3) 0+5

    하지만 결국 모든 옵션들의 합은 5입니다.


    In the end they were forced to surrender.

    : 결국 그들은 항복해야 했다.


    All rivers in the end flow to the sea.

    : 결국 모든 강들은 바다로 흐른다.


    In the end  쓰이는 영어 예시들을  살펴보겠습니다


    In the end (
    결국 영어 예시 문장



    1.     I knew that everything would turn out fine in the end.


    2.     In the end he was forced to resign but it was all very hush-hush.


    3.     They prefer, in the end, to stick with what they know.


    4.     In the end, we all decided to organize a concert for Easter.


    5.     In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take, relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.


    6.     Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.




    다음 보실 표현은 pull an all-nighter (밤샘이라는 표현입니다



    Pull an all-nighter :



    ) to stay up all night.



    밤을 새거나 벼락치기를 했을 때의 표현입니다. 시험기간 낮에 게임 하면서

    ‘어차피 밤새면 되잖아주문을 외우지만 막상 밤이 되면 “10분만만 있다가 하자…”

    “가즈아 외치다가 결국엔 다음날을 맞이하게 됩니다 (눈물)


    I am so sleepy. I pulled an all-nighter last night.

    : 너무 졸려. 어제 샜어.


    Pull an all-nighter  쓰이는 영어 예시들을  살펴보겠습니다



    Pull an all-nighter (밤샘 영어 예시 문장



    1.     He pulled an all-nighter to study for the exam.


    2.     Today I haven't been able to finish my homework and actually there's a lot left of it so I think I might have to pull an all-nighter.


    3.     "In College, we would pull an all-nighter almost all the time to get those exams done.


    4.     She felt like a zombie after having pulled two all nighters in a row during midterms week.


    5.     I pulled an all-nighter to study and ended up in the wrong class twice.


    6.     We pulled an all-nighter to finish the report.


    7.     I pulled an all-nighter to study for my math exam.


    8.     I was a bit of a procrastinator in college, so I tended to pull a lot of all-nighters.



    In the end  pull an all-nighter  나만의 표현을 써보도록 합시다 !


    글이 유익하셨다면 추천 버튼을 꾸욱 눌러주세요 !

    RSS로 제 블로그를 구독해주세요. 유익한 정보를 제공하겠습니다 !




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