
  • cut corners (절차를 무시하다), split the difference (절충하다) 뜻과 사용
    Native expression 2019. 11. 29. 05:04


    오늘 배울 표현들은 cut corners (절차를 무시하다), split the difference (절충하다입니다.


    cut corners (절차를 무시하다부터 설명하자면



    Cut corners  :


    절차를 무시하다

    ) undertake something in what appears to be the easiest, quickest, or cheapest way, especially by omitting to do something important or ignoring rules.



    쓸데없이 코너를 도대체 자르는 것일까요?

    만약 운동장에서 달리기를 하다가 누군가 정해진 길이 아닌 운동장을 가로질러 온다면 반칙입니다.

    이렇게 가로질러 간다면 코너를 자르면서 뛰는 것과 같겠지요.

    이런 식으로 원칙을 무시하고 지름길로 가려 있는 표현입니다.

    “Stop cutting corners!” 라고 한다면 원칙대로 !” 되겠지요.


    The company was fined for cutting corners with their employees' safety.

    : 회사는 직원들의 안전 원칙을 무시하다가 벌금을 물었다.


    You should never cut corners if you want a successful outcome. 

    : 성공적인 결과를 원한다면 원칙을 무시하면 된다.


    Cutting corners  쓰이는 영어 예시들을  살펴보겠습니다



    Cutting corners (원칙을 무시하다 영어 예시 문장



    1.     They cut corners and produced a lesser quality set of toys.


    2.     Should we start thinking of cutting corners?


    3.     One airline was accused of cutting corners on safety.


    4.     And some of the crematoria were cutting corners.


    5.     The agency accused the airline of cutting corners on safety.


    6.     Cutting corners is generally not good practice, but in an impossible crunch, the half-cup speedster might be the person for the job.


    7.     Of course this new policy is about cutting cost because it is about cutting corners in personal care.


    8.     As with any training or fitness work, the process can never be speeded up without cutting corners.


    9.     Farmers should not be tempted to risk their own lives, or those of others, by cutting corners.


    10.  Side by side with the shorter side of the tile cutting corners, turn the edge of the tile. 




    다음 보실 표현은 split the difference (절충하다라는 표현입니다



    Split the difference :


    타협하다, 절충하다

    ) take the average of two proposed amounts.



    타협하거나 절충할 쓰는 표현입니다. Split 이라는 것은 쪼개거나 나눈다는 뜻이 있죠.

    만약 누군가 “shall we split the difference?” 라고 묻는다면 절충안을 찾아볼까?” 라는 뜻이 됩니다.

    흥정을 할때엔 haggle이라는 단어도 씁니다만 체감상 split the difference 많이 쓰는듯 합니다.


    Instead of paying the full amount, could we split the difference?

    : 돈을 내기보다 절충할 있을까?


    To get the business done, I suggest we split the difference in price.

    : 일을 마치기 위해 우린 가격의 절충안을 찾아야 .


    Split the difference 쓰이는 영어 예시들을  살펴보겠습니다



    Split the difference (절충하다 영어 예시 문장



    1.     Please consider splitting the difference so I could own this car.


    2.     Are you willing to split the difference with me?


    3.     They split the difference and agreed on $50 for the service charge.


    4.     OK, let's split the difference, and I'll give you 30.


    5.     Shall we split the difference and say $3,500?


    6.     Kim proposed that they split the difference and suggested a date in 2001.


    7.     Even those who attempt to split the difference are not too fussy about where the line is drawn.


    8.     We decided that I would live and split the difference between then and a projected now.


    9.     Now let me see if I can split the difference.


    10.  My adviser was always ready to split the difference.


    11.  You have to split the difference.


    12.  Its three wheels split the difference.



    Cut corners  split the difference  나만의 표현을 써보도록 합시다 !

    글이 유익하셨다면 추천 버튼을 꾸욱 눌러주세요 !

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