
  • get - off one’s chest (속 시원히 털다), plain and simple (간단한) 뜻과 사용
    Daily expression 2019. 11. 26. 15:59


    오늘 배울 표현들은 get - off one’s chest ( 시원히 털다), plain and simple (간단한입니다.


    get something off one’s chest ( 시원히 털다부터 설명하자면



    Get something off one’s chest  :


    시원히 털다, 고민을 덜다.

    ) say something that one has wanted to say for a long time, resulting in a feeling of relief.



    만약 뭔가를 가슴속에 담아두고 끙끙 앓고 있다가 그것을 말함으로써 마음이 편하다면

    표현을 쓰실 있습니다. 혹시 임금님 귀는 당나귀 이야기를 아시나요?

    임금님 귀가 당나귀 귀인걸 누구에게도 이야기 못해 답답해 하다가 대나무 숲에서 소리치죠.

    내가 잘못한 것을 솔직하게 이야기 못하다가 털어 놓았을때도 쓸수 있는 표현입니다.


    I had spent two months worrying about it and I was glad to get it off my chest.

    : 걱정하느라 달을 끙끙거렸는데 시원히 털어놓으니 좋아.


    You will feel better if you get it off your chest.

    : 만약 시원히 털어 놓는다면 마음이 편할거야.


    get something off one’s chest  쓰이는 영어 예시들을  살펴보겠습니다


    Get something off one’s chest (
    시원히 털다 영어 예시 문장



    1.     I got it off my chest.


    2.     I feel it's done me good to get it off my chest.


    3.     I have to write this to get some of the weight off my chest.


    4.     I'm sorry but I just have to get something off my chest. How could you treat me like that last night?


    5.     I have to get this off my chest. I'm tired of your rudeness to me!


    6.     The doctor gave me the opportunity to talk and get things off my chest.


    7.     She certainly seemed as though she had a lot to get off her chest.




    다음 보실 표현은 plain and simple (간단한라는 표현입니다



    Plain and simple:



    ) used to emphasize the statement preceding or following.



    Plain 평범한이라는 뜻을 갖고 있고 simple 단순한이라는 뜻을 갖고 있습니다.

    주로 앞이나 뒤를 강조할 쓰이는 표현이기도 합니다. 마치 뭔가를 말하고 Period ! 하면서 마침표를 찍는 것처럼요.


    If you don’t listen to what I say, you are fired. Plain and simple.

    : 만약 말을 듣지 않는다면 해고야. 간단하지?


    Plain and simple 쓰이는 영어 예시들을  살펴보겠습니다



    Plain and simple (간단한 영어 예시 문장



    1.     The interior of the church was plain and simple.


    2.     Plain and simple mouldings can be bought at most timber yards and home decorating shops.


    3.     It's the testimony of an eye witness, plain and simple.


    4.     The exterior of Byzantine churches is plain and simple; its appearance is ceded to the glory of the interior.


    5.     Where everything was just plain and simple, laughing and joking the norm.


    6.     Plain and simple, LaPlante ran a sting operation on Flinn and entrapped her.


    7.     It is as plain and simple as that.


    8.     Your arguments are plain and simple Snippy. 



    Get something off one’s chest  plain and simple  나만의 표현을 써보도록 합시다 !

    글이 유익하셨다면 추천 버튼을 꾸욱 눌러주세요 !

    RSS로 제 블로그를 구독해주세요. 유익한 정보를 제공하겠습니다 !




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