let loose (풀어놓다), born with a silver spoon in mouth (금수저) 뜻과 사용Daily expression 2019. 11. 25. 05:32
오늘 배울 표현들은 let loose (풀어놓다), born with a silver spoon in mouth (금수저) 입니다.
Let loose (풀어놓다) 부터 설명하자면
Let loose 뜻 :
한) 느슨하게 하다, 풀어놓다, 자유롭게 하다
영) to allow (someone or something) to move or go freely.
만약에 토요일 오후 느슨하게 쉬고 싶거나 평소 하고 싶던 여유 있는 것들을 할 때 풀어준다고 하죠.
푹 쉬고 아무 걱정 고민 없이 푹 노는 의미처럼 “let loose”라는 표현을 씁니다.
전쟁 중 포로나 적을 풀어줄 때도 이 표현을 쓰는 걸로 보아 자유를 의미하는 것이 큽니다.
What activities do you do to let loose?
뜻: 풀어주기 위해서 하는 활동이 뭐야?
She decided to let loose so she watched Netflix the whole day.
뜻: 그녀는 풀어주기 위해서 하루 종일 넷플릭스를 보기로 마음 먹었다.
Let loose 으로 쓰이는 영어 예시들을 더 살펴보겠습니다
Let loose (풀어주다) 의 영어 예시 문장1. You're all work this week. Let loose for a moment. Let's grab some drinks.
2. I plan to let loose this weekend and go on a short trip with a friend.
3. The allies let loose an intensive artillery bombardment over the border.
4. It was as though she'd been let loose from shackles she hadn't even known she'd been wearing.
5. The trumpet call had let loose an enormous volume of noise.
6. Hundreds of bullets were let loose - followed by tear-gas and even mortar shells - as protesters were cut down without mercy.
다음 보실 표현은 born with a silver spoon in mouth (금수저) 라는 표현입니다
Born with a silver spoon in mouth뜻:
한) 금수저, 금수저를 물고 태어난
영) wealth, especially inherited wealth; someone born into a wealthy family is said to have "been born with a silver spoon in their mouth".
금수저, 흑수저, 다이아몬드수저 등등 다양한 수저들의 표현을 너무나도 많이 쓰는 요즘입니다.
그래서 준비한 표현이 바로 born with a silver spoon in mouth.
왜 하필 금수저가 아닌 은수저라는 표현을 쓸까? 할 텐데
옛날 중세시대 때엔 나무로 만들어진 수저를 주로 썼다고 합니다.
하지만 잘 사는 집에서는 나무로 만들어진 수저 대신에 은수저를 많이 쓴 것에서부터 유례되었다고 합니다.
그렇게 부는 다음세대로 이어지는 것이죠.
She came into this world with a silver spoon in her mouth but she is humble.
뜻: 그녀는 금수저를 물고 이 세상에 태어났지만 겸손하다.
He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He is surrounded with luxury.
뜻: 그는 금수저를 물고 태어났어. 그는 럭셔리로 둘려 쌓여있어.
a silver spoon in her mouth 로 쓰이는 영어 예시들을 더 살펴보겠습니다
A silver spoon in her mouth (금수저) 의 영어 예시 문장
1. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and everything has been done for her.
2. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and has never done a day's hard work in her life.
3. I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth as the last time!
4. She thinks that we have absolutely no understanding of anybody because we were born with a silver spoon in our mouths.
5. The stranger's conduct was that of a man who had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
6. She doesn't need to work because she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.
7. He has no understanding of the poor for he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Let loose 와 born with a silver spoon in my mouth 로 나만의 표현을 써보도록 합시다 !
글이 유익하셨다면 추천 버튼을 꾸욱 눌러주세요 !
RSS로 제 블로그를 구독해주세요. 유익한 정보를 제공하겠습니다 !
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